Peru: Inclusive creative industries: an innovative tool for alleviating poverty in Peru


This Joint Programme worked to alleviate poverty in four of Peru's most disadvantaged regions by developing inclusive creative industries in tourism, handicrafts, organic agriculture and gastronomy.

The programme's strategy was to create an inclusive environment for those normally excluded from economic activities, such as poor small-scale producers, women and indigenous communities. It involved harnessing the support of the public and private sectors to promote activities that increase added value by improving working conditions, revaluing cultural identity and contributing to the sustainability of inclusive businesses.

Productive organizational capacities and competencies were strengthened so as to link them to value chains in advantageous conditions and to help improve access to the market.

Main achievements included:

  • Mapping and documentation of intangible heritage, civil servants and community leaders.
  • Creation of a more favorable environment for incorporating inclusive businesses in the creative industries sector through the production of market studies, baseline studies and documenting of intangible heritage. 
  • Establishment of areas of consultation and dialogue, with a special focus on public-private partnerships.
  • 2,500 families in different regions of Peru improved their economic income while retaining their traditions and caring for the environment.
  • 55 microenterprises projects were carried out for the development of productive and entrepreneurial skills in Ayacucho, Cusco, Lambayeque and Puno.
  • 126 artisans, 26 entrepreneurs in rural tourism and 49 regional cooks obtained official certificates.
  • The Government supported the enacting of three Regional and 12 Municipal Ordinances for the promotion of creative industries.
  • Three craft consortia and four trademark groups were established. Trainings were held for gastronomic entrepreneurs.
Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Peru (in Spanish).

Datos clave

Duración del programa 10 de diciembre 2009 - 30 de junio 2013
Financiación $5,000,000
Agencias de la ONU participantes FAO, OIT, PNUD, UNESCO, ONUDI, UNWTO
Socios nacionales Ministerio de Agricultura (MINAG), Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM), Ministerio de la Producción (PRODUCE), Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (MINCETUR), Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE), Ministerio de Cultura (el Instituto Nacional de Cultura), Asociación Nacional de Productores Ecológicos (ANPE), Universidades públicas y privadas
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