Guatemala: Strengthening the institutional environment for the advancement of women in Guatemala


This Joint Programme's aim was to assist and strengthen the Presidential Secretariat for Women and the Office for the Defense of Indigenous Women in their efforts to institutionalise the “National Policy for the Advancement and Development of Guatemalan Women” and its corresponding Implementation Plan (2008-2011).

The programme also aimed at strengthening state institutions, specifically in the areas of the prevention of violence against women, economic empowerment and political participation. At the same time, it promoted the empowerment of women and adolescent girls and their organizations, and their capacity to develop proposals and processes of social auditing, thus contributing to the institutionalisation and implementation of the public policy.

At the local level, the programme was implemented in seven departments selected for their demographic characteristics and levels of development. The combination of participating Agencies ensured specialized multidisciplinary support.

Main achievements included:

  • Increase in technical, managerial, and policy capacities of technical and administrative personnel in at least 15 state institutions.
  • Political advocacy at the legislative level to promote and strengthen the Congressional Committee on Women.
  • Departmental support of DEMI's services to female victims or survivors of violence.

Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Guatemala (in Spanish).


Datos clave

Duración del programa 12 de mayo 2008 - 31 de agosto 2011
Financiación $7,161,274
Agencias de la ONU participantes FAO, PAHO / WHO, PNUD, UNFPA, UNWOMEN, PMA
Socios nacionales Secretaría Presidencial de la Mujer -SEPREM-, Defensoría de la Mujer Indígena –DEMI
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