Cuba: Support for new decentralization initiatives and production stimulation in Cuba


In support of Cuba’s new initiatives to decentralize and stimulate national production, this Joint Programme helped to incorporate the private sector within municipal priorities as a catalyst for local development, with individual producers, cooperatives and the general population of five of the country’s municipalities as the main beneficiaries.

The programme's objectives were to:

  1. Increase and diversify private sector production;
  2. Strengthen the technical services and management capabilities of municipal government necessary to promote public-private cooperation; and
  3. Improve the local population’s access to goods and services.

The program prioritized initiatives with the farmer co-operative sector, and supported the implementation of the national policy of rorganization of the agricultural sector.

Some of the results of the programme were:
  • Increased capacity of the governments of the five municipalities to manage local development, integrating the non-state sector and offering better technical services from within the government and other state institutions.
  • Strengthening of the productive infrastructure (equipment, technology, materials and transportation) of 53 cooperatives to support the production of import substitution foods, reaching over 5,120 farmers (of which 762 were women).
  • Improved access of the population of the five municipalities to high-quality agricultural products by strengthening the collection, distribution and consumption chains.
Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Cuba .


Dates du programme 02 novembre 2009 - 28 juin 2013
Montant financé $7,000,000
Agences de l'ONU participantes FAO, PNUD, UNESCO
Partnenaires nationaux Ministerio de Economía y Planificación (MEP), Ministerio de la Industria Ligera (MINIL), Ministerio de Cultura (MINCUL), Ministerio de la Agricultura (MINAGRI), Ministerio de Educación (MINED), Ministerio del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera (MINCEX), Ministerio del Comercio Interior (MINCIN), Ministerio Educación Superior (MES), Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), Gobiernos municipales de La Palma, Martí, Yaguajay, Río Cauto y El Salvador
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