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Cambio Climático y Determinantes Sociales de la Salud Una Fotografía de la Situación de Salud, Agua y Ambiente en Comunidades Aledañas a las Cuencas Hidrográficas de los Ríos Chucunaque y Tabasará

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Indicadores Sistema de Información para el Monitoreo de los Efectos de la Variabilidad Climática.

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Sistematización de Experiencias Sostenibles de Adaptación al Cambio Climático de la Agricultura Familiar que Contribuyan a la Seguridad Alimantaria Nutricional en el Área Indígena de la Cuenca del Río Tabasará en la Comarca del Río Ngäbe Bugle, Panamá

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INFORME DE CAPACITACION en Biodiversidad dirigido a jovenes de las Comunidades Indigenas Miskitas: Tasba-Raya Waspán, RAAN

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Propuesta de Monitoreo Biológico y Plan de Acción para la Implementación del Plan de Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad en la Reserva de Biosfera Bosawas. Gestión Ambiental Local para el Manejode los Recursos Naturales en la Reserva de Biosfera Bosawas

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Guía Ilustrada de Aves de la Reserva de Biósfera BOSAWAS

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Plano de Maneio Comunitário dos Recursos Florestais de Comunidade de Ndombe

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Adaptation to Climate Change in Semi-Arid Environments Experience and Lessons from Mozambique

This document describes the experiences, successes and challenges being faced in implementing climate change adaptation interventions in one of the most remote districts where very few development agencies are operating. It identifies, at farm ... full view »


Piloting and Strengthening Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change in the Zarqa River Basin

Sediments and nutrients carried by the agricultural runoff are identified as the major
source of Non-Point Source (NPS) pollution particularly in agricultural watersheds, such as
Al-Kfair. Agricultural practices such as tilling ... full view »


Study Titled: Review evidence on minimum household water security requirements for health protection

Identifying minimum water requirements for health protection is a very important concern, in particular to health authorities in Jordan, to avoid human suffering and distress. The relation between minimum water quantity and the health inside ... full view »
