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Identificación de Instrumentos de Políticas Públicas que Favorecen la Adaptación al Cambio Climático y Determinación de su Aplicabilidad en el Corredor Seco

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Protege el Ambiente de tu Municipio, Afrontemos el Cambio Climático

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Mesa de Diálogo Hidroforestal de Baja Verapaz Sistematización de la experiencia

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Transferencia de tecnologías alternativas de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento para comunidades de Baja Verapaz

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Reglamento para la Certificación de la Calidad del Agua para Consumo Humano en Proyecto de Abastecimiento

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Análisis del Marco Legal Actual y Situación Política Referente a la Gestión Socio Ambiental y a la Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Guatemala

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Diseño de Riego por Gravedad Goteo en la Microcuenca del Rio Pamacal, Comunidad Ixchel, Granados, B.V.

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Baseline Study in Project Woredas of Afar, Somali, Oromiya and SNNP Regions of Ethiopia

This study is part of a larger Joint Programme whose goal is to enhance the enabling policy environment to effectively plan and execute pastoralist related climate change adaptation and mitigation measures at federal, regional and district ... full view »


Enabling Pastoral Communities to Adapt to Climate Change and Restoring Rangeland Environments Programme

With double-digit economic growth and significant human development leaps recorded over the past decade, Ethiopia is clearly a country on the move. Yet, the vast majority of people (80%) still live in isolated rural areas and are largely ... full view »


Policy Brief for GHG Emissions Reduction

The purpose of this document is to provide practical recommendations and emphasize the importance of policy and decision making for achieving significant national greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions while maximizing the benefits from related ... full view »
