Compendio de Experiencias en Panamá. Programa Conjunto Incorporación de medidas de adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en el manejo de los recursos naturales en dos cuencas prioritarias de Panamá: Chucunaque y Tabasará

This document is aimed at developing knowledge and changes in the issue of climate change mitigation in vulnerable communities through the systematization of the experience aimed at mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in natural resource management in the country’s two priority watersheds: the watersheds of the Chucunaque and the Tabasará rivers. This document discusses and develops six strategic lines that accrued experience, producing and exchanging lessons learned and knowledge. The six strategic lines that emerge are: Facilitation for inter-institutional coordination and community participation; information and knowledge development for climate change adaptation and mitigation; communication and education of community and institutional stakeholders for climate change mitigation and adaptation; organization and preparation for community-based risk management; community models for climate change adaptation and mitigation; and finally, funding options for climate change adaptation and mitigation.