


Capitale Tirana
Population 3.6 million
Espérance de vie 77.96
L'accès à l'eau potable 97%
L'alphabétisation des adultes 98.7%
Mortalité des moins de 5 ans 18.62 per 1,000 live births
PIB par habitant $6,000

Nos Programmes conjoints

Economic governance, regulatory reform, public participation, and pro-poor development in Albania
While Albania's access to safe water has considerably improved in recent years, poor service is a persistent issue: the water pipes are old, the quality of water is low and there are frequent water cuts. The Joint Programme helped to put legal and institutional mechanisms in place and to build the capacities of Government, utility regulators and consumer associations for better service delivery as part of Albania's preparation for accession to the European Union.
Reducing Malnutrition in Children
Despite considerable progress since the 1990s, relatively low child mortality rates and good exclusive breastfeeding practices, Albania faces multiple child nutrition problems, including high rates of stunting and overweight, disparities in health and nutrition status and micronutrient deficiencies. The Joint Programme strengthened the government's capacity to monitor, address and prevent undernutrition, and supported local interventions to boost awareness, capacities and mechanisms for tackling household food insecurity and malnutrition.
Youth migration: Reaping the benefits and mitigating the risks
The absence of jobs for youth in Albania has fueled one of the highest emigration rates in the world. The Joint Programme's goal was to create decent work opportunities for marginalized youth by combining employment and social policy objectives and integrating them into long-term national development goals. 
Cultural Heritage for Social and Economic Development
The joint programme was designed to strengthen the capacities of Albania in the area of culture and development, and to boost the role of Albania’s cultural identity and heritage in the promotion of the country’s image abroad. In doing so, the joint programme made an important contribution to Albania’s national priority of accession to the European Union.