UN Administered province of Kosovo: UN Administered province of Kosovo: À partir des Options Migration vers le travail décent par la jeunesse
The Programme, to be jointly implemented by ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNICEF, UNV and the World Bank, will address youth employment and migration challenges by supporting UN Administered province of Kosovo institutions in achieving the targets set by the Youth Employment Plan as well as supporting youth by increasing their income-generating opportunities and raising their awareness about migration options and risks.
Activities centre around providing capacity-building for youth employment policy management; improving systems for analyzing employment and migration data; strengthening the labour administration; assisting in the design, monitoring and evaluation of targeted labour market programmes and developing replicable models for self-employment and entrepreneurial support. The Programme will address the needs of youth aged 15-24, who face multiple barriers in the labour market (youth in jobless/poor households, with low education, ethnic minority and victims of trafficking). It will contribute to achieve MDG 1 and 8.