Strengthening capacities of national and regional actors:
Provided technical assistance to two UNDAF processes (Paraguay and Cuba) and developed a capacity building methodology.
In Cuba, the support provided resulted in six out of nine outcomes incorporating gender equality and all of them included gender indicators.
The Paraguay UNCT was trained and sensitized on gender equality issues in order to better incorporate gender as a cross-cutting issue into the UNDAF focal points. The process is slow due to political and electoral reasons.
Support was provided to other UNCTs to incorporate gender equality in the midterm review of their UNDAFs (Peru and Bolivia).
Capacity building methodology was prepared and validated during a workshop that took place in December 2012 organized by the UNDAF Peer Support Group for the countries that were in UNDAF roll-out processes in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Facilitated training and thematic debate on gender and social protection. Over 60 civil servants were trained and thus have increased the effectiveness of institutions related to Social Protection Systems to integrate a gender perspective and incorporate gender perspective in the design, implementation and evaluation of related public policies.
Designed and developed a route for the gender mainstreaming in UNDAF processes that helps to facilitate the implementation of the perspective of gender in the different phases involving preparation of the UNDAF.
The Peer Support Group of the UNDAF (UNDGLAC) requested that UNDP and UN Women conduct a regional workshop for members of the PSG and regional offices of the UN agencies. It took place in December 2012 in Panama.
Facilitating dialogue and building alliances for the development of an equality agenda:
Development and dissemination of knowledge products on interagency employment and decent work, and women's political participation:
Contributed to the development of the regional report on "Decent Work and Gender Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: proposals to improve access and quality of jobs for women in the region." Through the organization of consultation workshops, with heads of government, business and unions in 6 countries in the region, Uruguay, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and Costa Rica, the report will be published once the recommendations emanating from the validation process have been incorporated .
In collaboration with UN Women, UNFPA and the Latin American Parliament the Regional Meeting of Parliamentarians was organized in November 2012: "Realizing the rights agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean: the role of parliaments in achieving equality." Find here the statement resulting from it.
Technical support in processes of exchange and transfer of knowledge.
This initiative, in collaboration with the coordination of the Secretary General's campaign "UNiTE to End Violence against Women" under the leadership of UN Women, was one of the "highlights" of the annual plan 2012 Campaign:
Developed regional mapping of plans and policies that address violence against women in 32 countries in the region
Knowledge sharing Workshop, November 2012, in Panama. Government representatives of the fourteen countries of Latin America and the Caribbean exchanged experiences and good practices related to the implementation of plans and policies on violence against women. This exchange highlighted the tendency of many countries to pass laws on domestic violence laws that specifically address violence against women. As a result of the workshop a video was produced with key messages on the topic at the regional level.
Promoted discussion on the costs of policies that promote gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean through:
The development of a publication. It identifies approaches, strategies and mechanisms for funding and fulfillment of the goals associated with reducing gender inequalities, and for assisting governments in assessing their commitments to promote social equality through fiscal policy
A workshop organized June 2013, in collaboration with UN Women, that resulted in a “costing exchange” on policies that contribute to the achievement gender equality and MDG 3. The workshop was attended specialists in the field of 8 countries in the region, which exchanged experiences and methodologies identified costing exercises that can be replicated.
Audiovisuals products.
Dialogue within the post-2015 development framework thematic consultations and Rio +20 Summit:
Designed and positioned communication campaign on gender equality using social media:
Online Platform for information and debate on the gender post 2015 consultations for the Latin-American region
Partnership with UN Women and BDP to advocate for the inclusion of gender in country and thematic consultations through:
Thematic notes on 2015 agenda and gender with key messages elaborated and to be disseminated.
Virtual consultation on gender equality and development framework Post 2015 in the region, through the platform World We Want. This interagency initiative, received almost 8000 visits from 17 countries in the region, and helped identify the main challenges for achieving equality in Latin America and set some priorities, strategies and key messages to influence the agenda.
Implementing a communication strategy
The project has helped to develop the capacities of media professionals in the region to incorporate a gender perspective in the development of journalism and communication issues.
The platform America Latina Genera has been strategically revised to strengthen its link to social networks and a communication strategy is being developed.
Virtual training on gender and communication for communication professionals under development together with UNESCO, Equality and the Colegio de las Américas (COLAM).
Synthesis of webinar on KM initiatives for gender equality
Costs of policies that promote gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Regional mapping of plans and policies that address violence against women