It has been proven that almost any investment we make in women and girls will have multiplier effects across the MDGs. For instance, educated and empowered women and girls are more likely to delay marriage and pregnancy, and are better able to make informed choices about family planning, nutrition and health. Therefore, if a country achieves the MDG on gender equality in education, it will be better positioned to progress toward the goals of ending hunger and improving child and maternal health. It is against this background that the MDG-F Gender Equality thematic window worked with partners and across the UN system to support national and local efforts to address these inter-relating issues which cut across the mandate of individual organizations and have a direct impact on women’s development.
The JPs in the Gender Equality thematic window worked on combating violence against women, promoting women’s economic equality, and ensuring their equal socio-political participation. In many cases, the programmes harnessed the collective contributions of women activists, civil society coalitions and local authorities toward the development and implementation of comprehensive national gender equality strategies. These strategies – and related policies, programs and legislation - were undertaken to ensure sustainability of programmes. Results achieved from the JPs also showed the importance of a multi-sectoral approach to GBV and the pioneering experience of the JPs in this regard is worth noting, as no single intervention will end GBV. The MDG-F JPs on Gender Based Violence were the largest ever of the UN-system on this topic and their efforts represent some of the first-ever to upscale national response to GBV and to define roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved.
The MDG-F Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment KM plan promoted sharing on best practices and lessons learned in and between the 13 MDG-F Gender JPs in order to support the advancement of JP results, improve the sustainability of outcomes, and maximise their investment in women and girls as a strategic contribution to the MDGs. In addition, the plan sought to ensure that lessons learned from the pilot experiences in “delivering as one for gender equality” fed into the global knowledge base, to inform future policy and programming and promote the achievement of MDG-3.