


Capitale Quito
Population 14.5 million
Espérance de vie 75.3
L'accès à l'eau potable 95%
L'alphabétisation des adultes 91%
Mortalité des moins de 5 ans 20.9 per 1,000 live births
PIB par habitant $7,500

    Évaluation du F-ODM, étude de cas

  • La présente évaluation vise à l’acquisition de connaissances, avec pour objectif : 1) d’évaluer, au niveau national, la contribution du F-OMD à la réalisation des OMD, des principes de la Déclaration de Paris et de l’initiative réformatrice de l’ONU « Tous unis dans l’action » 2) de recenser les meilleures pratiques et les leçons apprises afin d’éclairer toute future programmation pour le développement 3) de relier les interventions programmatiques locales aux processus nationaux d’élaboration des politiques en mettant en évidence les initiatives pilotes qui ont donné de bons résultats et peuvent être reproduites à plus grande échelle.

    Ecuador_Country Final Evaluation.pdf (1.73 MB)
  • Fiche d'information du pays

  • This Fact Sheet summarizes the key achievements of the Joint Programmes in Ecuador.

    Ecuador Joint Programmes Fact Sheet.pdf (259 KB)

Nos Programmes conjoints

Governance in the water and sanitation sector in Ecuador within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals
The coverage and quality of water and sanitation services was below the national average in some poor regions of Ecuador where the Joint Programme operated, with large gaps in the coverage and services between rural and urban areas. The programme contributed to the development of democratic governance of Ecuador's water and sanitation services, focusing on integrated water resources management and social, land and gender equality.
Conservation and Sustainable Management of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve
This Joint Programme's goal was to support the conservation and management of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve (YBR), one of the world’s greatest areas of biodiversity, and a national priority for Ecuador. The programme focused on implementing community-based economic alternatives for the most vulnerable populations, and on initiatives to deal with climate change through adaptation and the non-emission of greenhouse gases.
Youth, Employment, Migration – Reducing Inequalities in Ecuador
Ecuadorian youth between 15 and 29 account for around one quarter of the population, an age group marked by high levels of underemployment and unemployment, as well as precarious working conditions, which, together with other factors, encourage migration. This Joint Programme improved opportunities for youth experiencing social, economic, gender, land and cultural inequities by fostering decent employment and economic enterprises.
Development and Cultural Diversity to reduce Poverty and promote Social Inclusion
As a result of their culture or ethnicity, many minorities and disadvantaged populations in Ecuador suffer discrimination and social exclusion, and their rights and opportunities for education, health and agricultural production are severely neglected. The Joint Programme promoted the revaluation of culture, inclusion and intercultural dialogue as a means to reduce this discrimination and to break the cycle of poverty affecting these groups.