


Capitale Tegucigalpa
Population 7.7 million
Espérance de vie 69.4
L'accès à l'eau potable 84%
L'alphabétisation des adultes 80%
Mortalité des moins de 5 ans 24.03 per 1,000 live births
PIB par habitant $4,400

    Évaluation du F-ODM, étude de cas

  • La présente évaluation vise à l’acquisition de connaissances, avec pour objectif : 1) d’évaluer, au niveau national, la contribution du F-OMD à la réalisation des OMD, des principes de la Déclaration de Paris et de l’initiative réformatrice de l’ONU « Tous unis dans l’action » 2) de recenser les meilleures pratiques et les leçons apprises afin d’éclairer toute future programmation pour le développement 3) de relier les interventions programmatiques locales aux processus nationaux d’élaboration des politiques en mettant en évidence les initiatives pilotes qui ont donné de bons résultats et peuvent être reproduites à plus grande échelle.

    Honduras_Country Final Evaluation.pdf (1.74 MB)
  • Fiche d'information du pays

  • This Fact Sheet summarizes the key achievements of the Joint Programmes in Honduras.

    Honduras Joint Programmes Fact Sheet.pdf (173 KB)

Nos Programmes conjoints

Economic Governance of Water and Sanitation
Honduras has made considerable progress over recent decades in the fields of water and sanitation, but significant shortcomings still exist, particularly in rural zones and marginalized urban areas. The objective of this Joint Programme was to support the modernization of the sector in order to help reduce poverty.
Human development for youth: overcoming the challenges of migration through employment
Despite the fact that Honduras has one of the highest growth rates in Latin America, 50% of its population lives below the poverty line. Indigenous people are particularly disadvantaged: in some communities, half of all indigenous youth are jobless. This Joint Programme created decent entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for vulnerable youth between the ages of 15 and 29. By incorporating these youth into the productive process, the programme sought to promote a sense of belonging and thus discourage irregular migration.
Creativity and cultural identity for local development
More than half of Honduran households are below the poverty line and nearly a quarter live in extreme poverty. This Joint Programme supported the government in its efforts to promote culture as a motor for economic development and the construction of citizenship.