Development and the Private Sector - Thematic Study - Executive summary
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Harnessing Sustainable Linkages for SMEs in Turkey’s Textile Sector
This report provides comprehensive information about best practise examples of
national and international research centres that aim to increase competitiveness of SMEs in the textile and apparel sectors. The document provides an ...
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Networks for Prosperity. Achieving Development Goals through Knowledge Sharing
This report intends to provide decision-makers with a basis for including knowledge management and knowledge networking in policy consideration related to development strategy, effectiveness and governance. It provides an overview of the links ...
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Networks for Prosperity. Connecting Development Knowledge Beyond 2015
This study is the second report prepared by UNIDO’s Networks for Prosperity initiative which aimed to establish a knowledge management concept that would support developing countries in acquiring and adapting private sector development ...
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Lessons Learned in MDG-Fund Thematic Window Private Sector and Development. Providing Valuable Knowledge to Future Interventions in Developing Countries
This study aims to provide knowledge and substantial insights to future interventions in developing countries in developing countries regarding the design, management and implementation processes of private sector development-related ...
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IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Joint Programme on Green Production and trade to increase income and employment opportunities for the rural poor
This report details the processes behind a programme that increased income, enhanced productivity and created a significant number of jobs throughout the handicraft supply chain in Northern Vietnam. The programme applied a value chain approach ...
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Greening Value Chains for Sustainable Handicrafts Production in Vietnam
The environmental impacts of crafts production by households and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are often considered negligible given the scale of their operation, yet taking into account their sheer sheer number, use of natural ...
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Taking a Value Chain Approach towards Local Economic Development and Women's Economic Empowerment
Recognizing the need to increase income and to promote employment opportunities for the rural poor in Viet Nam, the Government of Viet Nam and the United Nations launched a Joint Programme on Green Production and Trade to Increase Income and ...
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Analysis of U.S. Market for Organic and Fair-trade Bananas from the Dominican Republic
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