An Evidence-based Review of MDG-F Experiences to Date: A Contribution to the QCPR Process

Thematic window
Delivering as One
Sub thematic area
UN coordination
Good Practices and Lessons Learned
Target Audience
UN agencies
This document was prepared by the MDG-F in 2012 to systemize its experience to date in joint programming and implementation through its 130 joint programmes in 50 countries across five regions in eight thematic areas. The document includes evidence based lessons and good practices on issues closely related to those that were discussed during the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR), with the goal of contributing to this QCPR process. These issues include:
1. The coherence, effectiveness, relevance, and efficiency of development programmes;
2. National ownership of development processes and results;
3. Capacity development and sustainability of development results; and
4. Mutual accountability.