Programme Spotlight


Building new communities in the ruins of the world’s oldest

An MDG-F programme is helping residents of Dahshur, Egypt protect their pyramids, promote tourism and improve their livelihoods. 

Fighting back the desert in Mauritania

Villagers across this Saharan country are reclaiming land from the sand dunes, replanting trees and rebuilding their lives with the support of the MDG-F.

Empowering women farmers in Cuba

MDG-F-supported workshops are increasing women’s economic autonomy and boosting the island’s agricultural production. 

Cambodia: Using the airwaves to fight malnutrition

Radio dramas are teaching women in the workplace about healthy food and nutrition practices. 

Students in FYR Macedonia build a multi-ethnic future

In FYR Macedonia, where schools and classrooms are increasingly segregated along ethnic lines, Kicevo's Sande Sterjoski Primary School is an unusual place.

Jobs for Tunisian youth: "We must have a vocation and take risks"

In a country where one in three young people is unemployed, Marouane Ben Othman used a little push from the MDG-Fund to start his own business and put eight other people to work.

An old craft creates opportunities for Albania’s new generation

The MDG-Fund is providing training and jobs for marginalized youth in Albania, where more than a third of young people cannot find decent work.