


Capital Tirana
Population 3,6 millions
Life Expectancy 77,96
Access to clean water 97%
Adult literacy 98,7%
Under five mortality 18,62 pour 1000 naissances vivantes
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $6,000

Our Joint Programmes

Clore le chapitre : Inclusion sociale et transformation des conflits dans les zones touchées par la guerre en Croatie
Plus de 20 ans après la guerre d’indépendance de la Croatie, beaucoup de communautés ressentent encore les effets de l’exclusion et des privations économiques caractéristiques des zones touchées par la guerre. Le programme conjoint a testé un modèle innovant de relèvement socioéconomique où les prises de décision communautaires se font par le biais de projets fondés sur des besoins et intérêts communs. Ces initiatives ont permis d’introduire des mesures susceptibles de favoriser la consolidation de la paix dans les structures locales existantes prenant en charge la fourniture de services sociaux ainsi que d’autres services publics liés à l’éducation, la police de proximité, la justice et la création d’emplois.


Increase of self-employment opportunities for women

The Hrvatska Dubica Women Association gathers some 30 women from different ethic groups in the war-affected town of Hrvatska Dubica in continental Croatia. The town was heavily affected by the war in the early nineties and is now on a slow path of recovery. Security issues and inter-ethnic conflicts are a thing of the past for Dubica’s inhabitants, but a full economic recovery is still far from completion.


Teachers and children against violence

The Elementary School “Brace Ribar”, the largest elementary school in Sisak, is one of 280 schools that joined a MDG-F-supported project “Protecting children from violence” in Croatia. The school has joined the mentor based system of education of teachers and other school employees on the prevention, recognition and reaction to peer violence in late 2009. The school is currently implementing violence prevention and conflict resolution standards that are very visible, not only in classrooms and corridors of the school building, but also among the staff and students.
