Honduras: Creativity and cultural identity for local development


More than half of Honduran households are below the poverty line and nearly a quarter live in extreme poverty. This Joint Programme supported the government in its efforts to promote culture as a motor for economic development and the construction of citizenship.

The programme's activities aimed at:

  1. Reinforcing the Regional Councils on Culture through the participative preparation of local strategies for culture and development and by training them in cultural administration (financing 80 initiatives directed at children and young people, 16 artistic training schools and 16 creative representations geared towards the MDGs);
  2. Financially and technically supporting ventures in the fields of creative and cultural micro enterprise, industry and rural tourism; restoring public spaces, historical buildings and archaeological sites for local development; and
  3. Researching and disseminating information about the impact of culture on development.

Main achievements included:

  • Nine Regional Councils for Culture were strengthened technically, organizationally and administratively and nine Regional Cultural Strategies were developed.
  • Popular Artistic Development Centers (CDAP) were established in eight regions of the country with training, cultural and artistic programs. The archaeological site of Yarumela was restored for use as a historic monument.
  • Training was provided for 120 micro-enterprises producing crafts and 223 companies invovled in cultural and creative activities. A diploma program in cultural management was established with a total of 33 graduates.

Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Honduras (in Spanish).



Programme Dates 16 Jul 2008 - 30 Jun 2012
Net funded amount $7,999,997
Participating UN agencies FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNV, UNWTO
National partners Secretaría de Cultura, Artes y Deportes (SCAD), Secretaria Técnica de Cooperación Internacional (SETCO), Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, (IHAH), Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE), Consejo Hondureño de Ciencia y Tecnología (COHCIT), Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional (INFOP), Centro Nacional de Educación Para el Trabajo (CENET)
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