Chile: National capacity-building for intercultural conflict prevention and management in Chile


This Joint Programme's aim was to address the existing conflict between the Indigenous Peoples and Chilean Society. These problems stem from the historic process of expropriation of the land and natural resources of indigenous people, marginalisation and poverty, the difficulties of implementing public development policies and the implementation of large-scale investment projects in areas where the majority population is of indigenous origin. The Joint Programme supported national and local capacity-building efforts aimed at managing ongoing conflicts and preventing the emergence of any new trouble spots.

The programme was structured according to four strategic objectives:

  1. Creating the conditions for intercultural dialogue;
  2. Promoting the value and importance of cultural diversity in the country;
  3. Incorporating an intercultural focus in public policies;
  4. Strengthening capacities for local and regional development and for the prevention of conflicts in the region of La Araucanía.
Main achievements included:
  • Intercultural dialogue was strengthened by generating relevant information on the state of intercultural relations in the country, e.g. the study Relaciones interculturales en Chile (Intercultural Relations in Chile). The Report  “Medición del Estado de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio de la Población Indígena en Chile"(Measuring the State of the Millennium Development Goals of the Indigenous People in Chile") was produced.
  • The value of cultural diversity was promoted and disseminated, and awareness was raised among the community on the positive value of cultural diversity, with a special focus on the recognition of indigenous peoples’ cultures. This work was implemented through national and local media campaigns. The website for the “Mucho Chile” campaign had received more than 40,500 visitors by the programme's closure in 2012. Research was conducted on the way that media deal with indigenous issues, and 110 indigenous leaders were trained in communication.
  • The criterion of interculturality was incorporated into the design, implementation and assessment of public policies at the national and local levels. The programme led to some reforms in public policies and programmes that required the integration of an intercultural approach. This was achieved through technical assistance to public services and support for the participation of indigenous peoples' organizations. Specifically, this strategic area focused on child policies, education, health, productive development and Chile’s Justice System.
  • More than 430 members of the justice system were provided with awareness raising and training on the usefulness of international norms (particularly ILO Convention 169) in order to protect the rights of Indigenous peoples.
  • Support was provided for strengthening capacities in coordination, dialogue and community representation. Technical assistance was provided to indigenous organizations, with almost 2,000 indigenous leaders trained on human rights and a number of women leaders trained on communication and advocacy.


Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programme in Chile (in Spanish).



The Joint Programme in action


Programme Dates 01 Jul 2009 - 31 Dec 2012
Net funded amount $2,499,999
Participating UN agencies FAO, ILO, PAHO/WHO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF
National partners Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia, Ministerio de Planificación, Ministerios: de Salud, de Educación, Agricultura, Vivienda y Urbanismo, Obras Públicas, Justicia, Interior, Ministerio Público (Fiscalía Nacional), Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (INJUV), Consejo Nacional para el Control de Estupefacientes (CONACE), Servicio Nacional de Menores (SENAME), Fundación Integra, Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI), Defensoría Penal Pública y Programa Chile Crece Contigo
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