Strengthening the Philippines Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change. Health Sector Book I

In the Philippines, improving maternal health has been identified as the most likely MDG not to be achieved by the target date as the decrease of maternal deaths has been decreasing too slowly to meet targets. Due to poor health, child health is also in jeopardy. Since climate change has been identified to exacerbate the effects of poor health, ineffective mitigation and adaptation are expected to make maternal and child health more fragile. Moreover, climate change is also expected to exacerbate vector borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and leptospirosis.
This report presents a conceptual framework in the conduct of a vulnerability assessment and impact modeling for the Public Health Sector, a climate change vulnerability assessment framework, a climate change monitoring and evaluation framework, and documents innovative climate change adaptation practices applicable to the Philippine health sector. It also recommends that governments should engage more actively with the scientific community, who in turn must be supported to provide easily accessible climate risk information.
It is the first of four books and contains the main project report. Book 2 contains the report annexes. Book 3 contains the compendium of best practices and book 4 presents training manuals on how to utilize the V&A framework and the integrated M&E framework.