


Capital Cairo
Population 83 million
Life Expectancy 72.1
Access to clean water 98%
Adult literacy 71.4
Under five mortality 27.2 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $5,400

Our Joint Programmes

Climate Change Risk Management in Egypt
Egypt faces serious risks from climate change. The 15th most populous country in the world, it relies on the Nile for 97% of its water and must import 40% of its food; the supply of both is imperiled by climate change, which also threatens to deepen social inequalities. The aim of the joint programme was to help Egypt align its climate risk management and human development efforts by combining mitigation and adaptation under one Climate Risk Management mechanism, and by paying special attention to the country's vulnerable populations.
Pro-poor Horticulture Value Chains in Upper Egypt
Despite Egypt’s recent economic growth, poverty has expanded, especially in rural Upper Egypt, which contains two thirds of the country's most impoverished citizens. Most small landholders are marginalized and face inefficient value chains. The Joint Programme worked in three locations in the poorest Upper Egyptian Governates to promote equitable partnerships between small farmers and private sector investors and to increase the efficiency of pro-poor horticulture value chains.
The Dahshur World Heritage Site Mobilization for Cultural Heritage for Community Development
Though Dahshur, home to two of Egypt's oldest and best-preserved pyramids, is an important destination for visitors, the surrounding communities are economically depressed, with increasing pressures from climate change, population growth and a drop-off in tourism due to the recent political turmoil. The aim of the Joint Programme was to protect the Dahshur pyramids area while fostering sustainable development, cultural and ecological management and revenue generation. 


Red Pyramid is helping to fight poverty in Egypt

An MDG-F-funded programme is boosting tourism and incomes in the region of Dahshur.



Building new communities in the ruins of the world’s oldest

An MDG-F programme is helping residents of Dahshur, Egypt protect their pyramids, promote tourism and improve their livelihoods. 


MDG-F backs a revolution in Egyptian farming

When the Arab Spring blew over Egypt in early 2011, most investors predicted chaos and fled. Mohamed Embarak, a farmer in Egypt’s depressed south, saw only opportunity.
