Afghanistan: Strengthened Approach for the Integration of Sustainable Environmental Management into the ANDS/PRSP
Afghanistan’s environment and natural resource base is under tremendous pressure. The decades of conflict, on-going instability, socio-economic insecurity and overall poverty, susceptibility to natural hazards and population boom have accumulated a heavy toll on the environment and the natural resource base of the country.
The key to lasting recovery, human security and sustainable development for Afghanistan is to prevent further environmental degradation, maintain ecosystem services, foster capacity and improve natural resources management. The Joint Programme's goal was to assist Afghanistan in integrating environmental management into its National Development Strategy so as to produce environmentally sustainable growth.
The Programme assisted with the formulation of suitable policy frameworks and ensuring institutional capacity to implement policies; directly mainstreamed environmental considerations in national and sub-national planning and development frameworks; and piloted and scaled up community-based natural resources management interventions.
Among the programme's achievements:
- The National Environmental Mainstreaming Guideline was developed, which includes specific sector-level guidelines and benchmarks.
- Some 231 university students and 2300 members of Community Development Councils were trained in natural resources management, and the programme supported initiatives for livelihood development and income generating opportunities at the local level. Communities in Badghis, Ghor and Herat provinces rehabilitated 159 hectares of degraded rangeland for the benefit of livestock raisers in an effort that worked so well that the community took ownership of the intervention and members volunteered their time for the project. A national rangeland management plan and a National Forestry Management plan were developed for the first time.
- More than 1,000 women participated in kitchen gardening and poultry projects and more than 5,000 households were reached with awareness raising messages.
- Provincial Environment Advisory Councils (PEACs) were established in 22 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The PEACs ensure that environmental issues are mainstreamed in local development programmes.
- The project trained focal people for the environment in all national ministries, and conducted environment and gender workshops for 25 staff from all the relevant ministries. It also carried out workshops for 70 religious leaders to motivate and encourage them in their important role in disseminating environmental messages through mosques.
Click for more detailed results from the Joint Programmes in Afghanistan.
The Joint Programme in action
Programme Dates 06 Nov 2008 - 06 Jan 2013
Net funded amount $5,000,000
Participating UN agencies UNDP, FAO, UNEP
National partners Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, National Environmental Protection Agency