Capital Maputo
Population 21 million
Life Expectancy 42.4
Access to clean water 42%
Adult literacy 43.8%
Under five mortality 145 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $1,242

Country Fact Sheet
This Fact Sheet summarizes the key achievements of the Joint Programmes in Mozambique.
Mozambique Joint Programmes Fact Sheet.pdf (165 KB)
Our Joint Programmes
Children, Food Security and Nutrition in Mozambique Rising food prices in Mozambique have pushed vulnerable households towards coping strategies that can irreversibly impoverish families and children. More than 40% of children under the age of five are stunted due to chronic illness and poor diet, and nearly one in five is underweight. This Joint Programme used short-term and medium/long-term interventions to reduce the impact of rising food prices and to improve the health, nutritional and food security of children. Environment Mainstreaming and Adaptation to Climate Change Southern Africa is one of the regions most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and Mozambique is already experiencing the devastating effects of increased droughts, floods and cyclones on agricultural livelihoods in rural and coastal areas. The Joint Programme was created to ensure that environmental issues are mainstreamed in central and local plans and programmes, and to help communities adapt to climate change by boosting their coping mechanisms and broadening their options for earning a living. Strengthening cultural and creative industries and inclusive policies in Mozambique Mozambique has made impressive development gains in the last 15 years, reducing poverty and child and maternal mortality rates, and doubling the number of children enrolled in school. Nonetheless, poverty remains high, particularly for women and female-headed households in rural areas. The Joint Programme's aim was to show that, with strategic inputs in both the cultural and creative industries and purposeful inclusion of culture in development planning, culture in all its forms can make a strong contribution to Mozambique's human and economic development.IN THE NEWS
Mozambique’s Pioneering Cultural Management Information System takes another step forward
Currently in Mozambique there is no consolidated information system that brings together all the data about the cultural sector in one place. The development of the Cultural Management Information System will ensure Mozambique’s ability to facilitate the collection and analysis of relevant data, monitor culture sector developments, and provide a public window to Mozambique’s rich cultural diversity.