Costa Rica


Costa Ricaflag

Capital San José
Population 4.2 million
Life Expectancy 77.58
Access to clean water 98%
Adult literacy 94.9%
Under five mortality 8.7 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $11,500
Costa Rica

Our Joint Programmes

Joint Programme on Youth, Employment and Migration: A One-Stop Shop for Youth Employment
Though Costa Rica's youth have a high level of literacy and education, they suffer from high levels of unemployment. This Joint Programme increased access to decent jobs by improving the employability and entrepreneurialism of young people between the ages of 15 and 24, especially female, rural and migrant youth, and those in vulnerable situations.
Intercultural Policies for social inclusion and generation of opportunities
The Joint Programme promoted the cultural and social inclusion of marginalised groups and the potential of the creative sector in Costa Rica. It took as a starting point the Parque de la Libertad (Liberty Park), a space for artistic, ecological and cultural-production related projects, which serves 15 marginalized districts in the country’s largest built-up urban area, comprising 700,000 inhabitants.
Networks for coexistence, communities without fear
The security situation in Costa Rica has worsened in recent years due to drug trafficking and common crime. Though still below other countries in Central and South America, the level of violence has begun to impact the country's social fabric. This Joint programme aimed at improving security in nine of Costa Rica's least safe cantons by simultaneously reducing levels of fear and violence.
Developing Competitiveness for the Brunca region in the Tourism and Agro-Industry Sectors, with an Emphasis on the Creation of decent, green employment to Reduce Poverty
The Brunca Region is one of the most isolated and poorest in Costa Rica, but it also contains the most biodiversity and natural resources. The Joint Programme worked in the tourism and agro-industry sectors to boost competitiveness in the region, with a particular emphasis on the creation of green and decent jobs.


Digital production center for Costa Rican youth opens with MDG-F backing

The Center for Technology and Arts will train 60 at-risk youth in 3D animation and production at San Jose's Parque la Libertad cultural center.
