


Capital Guatemala City
Population 13.2 million
Life Expectancy 70.29
Access to clean water 96%
Adult literacy 69.1%
Under five mortality 27.84 per 1,000 live births
GDP per head (US$ PPP) $5,300

Our Joint Programmes

Capacity-Building amongst the Mam People in Water and Sanitation Economic Governance
More than 40 percent of Guatemala’s rural dwellers do not have access to water in their homes, and even those who do often lack the most basic sanitation. The Joint Programme's goal was to promote an integrated water management system that will help guarantee wider provision of, and access to, water and sanitation in urban and rural areas of the Mam region of Guatemala. It focused on strengthening local government and on increasing the role and contribution of Mam communities in the design and implementation of public initiatives through improved dialogue.
Alliances to improve the situation of Children, Food security and Nutrition
Guatemala has the highest prevalence of stunting of children under 5 in Latin America, ranking fourth worldwide, and its national undernutrition rate is the highest in Latin America. The Joint Programme's aim was to improve nutrition among rural and indigenous communities by improving the production of foods by households for their own consumption and for sale, improving feeding behaviours, promoting healthy environments and contributing to gender equity.
Strengthening Environmental Governance in the face of Climate Risks in Guatemala
Guatemala is one of the countries most exposed to meteorological and tectonic phenomena as well as to the effects of climate change. While environmental protection and the responsible use of natural resources are strategic objectives of the government, the environmental agenda has grown faster than the capacities of public institutions. The purpose of the Joint Programme was to develop environmental governance mechanisms to strengthen the capacity for adaptation to climate change in Guatemala, especially for the most vulnerable and poorest of the population.
Strengthening the institutional environment for the advancement of women in Guatemala
This Joint Programme's aim was to assist and strengthen the Presidential Secretariat for Women and the Office for the Defense of Indigenous Women in their efforts to institutionalise the “National Policy for the Advancement and Development of Guatemalan Women” and its corresponding Implementation Plan (2008-2011).
Consolidating Peace in Guatemala through Violence Prevention and Conflict Management
After 36 years of civil war, new dynamics of violence have emerged in Guatemala which seriously threaten the country’s socio-political stability and affect human development and the achievement of the MDGs. Since 1999, the country’s murder rate has increased by 12% annually, and this has made it difficult for Guatemala to fulfill the Peace Agreements. The Joint Programme's aim was to consolidate peace by strengthening legal frameworks, public policies and initiatives in the field of prevention of conflict and violence, as well as the capacities of State institutions and civil society.


Combating child malnutrition in Guatemala

The MDG-F is working on many fronts to combat stunting that affects three out of four children, the highest rate in Latin America.


Building peace through art in Guatemala

MDG-F-supported programmes use music, theater and dance to draw youth away from the lure of gangs and violence.


Guatemalan village takes water problem into its own hands

Midnight treks for water are replaced by household taps and a village-run water management project supported by the MDG-F.

